About The Game

Fast Inning Baseball (FIB) is a solitaire quick-play game inspired by the “condensed game” format of major league baseball websites, where video highlights are shared an inning at a time. The game engine uses a combination of team and individual player qualities to rate teams on scoring ability, home run hitting power, pitching, run prevention and defense. 

With FIB, each game will take 10 minutes or less to play and will produce a basic line score including runs, hits, and errors. Pitcher decisions and key AB’s including home runs can also be tracked. Some run scoring events will be automatic, but many will be dependent on pitcher grades, or a pitcher vs. batter matchup. The game was designed to play fast, but provide compelling gameplay and narrative drama.

Print & Play

Fast Inning Baseball is available as a "Print and Play" PDF download. The game materials contain all of the play charts, as well as the instructions and a scoresheet. The only thing you will need to supply are the dice! 

There is no official physical version of the game, but if you want to make a more "professional" version of the game for yourself, we have formatted the game charts for double-sided printing and coil binding - as shown in the photos on this page. See the FAQ for more information.

Head on over to the Game Downloads page to start playing today! 

Gameplay Video

Get a demonstration of the game while watching me roll a few games between 1999 Arizona and 1979 Pittsburgh.

Support a Non-Profit

The game is free to download, but if you enjoy it I encourage you to donate to your favorite charity or one of the charities below.

Stories of Donations

"I donated today to Ganga Ghar, a charity that is helping children, especially girls, get an education in Nepal. The money I donated is going straight towards rebuilding a school that is still recovering from the earthquake that devastated the region nearly a decade ago. The school still has no electricity or running water. The village they are in has little in the way of clean, drinkable water as it is. Boys are always prioritized for schooling and girls often end up becoming servants or worse, being forced into the sex trade. Giving girls an education in Nepal goes a long way towards ensuring they can escape that kind of future."

"Due to your hard work and the great baseball game you have gifted to the Community, [I have donated to] the RNLI (lifeboat charity in the UK)."

"[I have made 2] donations in support of the “Never Alone Cancer Foundation” (https://nacf.ca/).  As a Cancer survivor, my charity of choice."

Parent Website, Facebook Page, and Partner Links

3d6 Gaming

Fast Inning Baseball Facebook Group